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I watched the Richard Dimbleby lecture last night, delivered by Sir Gareth Southgate, former England Football Manager.

Southgate also argued that winning silverware is only one measure of achievement in sport. “If I’ve learned anything from my life in football, it’s that success is about much more than the final score. It isn’t a straight line. And it’s not a single moment,” he said.

“Not everyone will win trophies. Not everyone will be at the top of their field. But everyone can live a life where they can constantly strive to improve. Where they can look back and say: ‘I gave my best, I stayed true to myself, and I made a difference.’ That is real success.”

The Richard Dimbleby Lecture with Sir Gareth Southgate is available now on BBC iPlayer

His main focus was the plight of young men subject to the influence of “toxic influencers” telling them that they need to get rich quick and indulge selfish pursuits and dominate those around them, especially women. Their solace is competitive gaming, stylised porn and a message that you should be in charge, you are owed success. Get rich and do it quickly.

Young men, he argued, are disabled by this narrative which makes them less able to function in society and community and become more isolated and struggle with poor mental health.

Southgate spoke of the need for role models and mentors and opportunities to fail, learn and grow.

Referring to his experience of taking a penalty in the Euro semi-final, and missing, he can recognise both how painful it was but also how he grew as a result. Stuart Pearce knew what he was about to go through, because he himself had been through it. And Stuart came alongside and shared with Gareth what was to come , how to cope and how to grow. Pearce knew what he was talking about. In a later championship, his celebration of the penalty he did score is iconic – you can see the pain of defeat roar out of him as he showed the crowd not only how relieved he was but that his failure was now truly behind him.

This message is a very important message for our communities, our society today.

It also got me thinking about our mission – Making Passionate Disciples for Christ. Last week I posed the question – “If someone walked in and asked “Who is this Jesus?”, would we be able to give an answer?” I suspect that for many the answer would be “No”.

But for some it would be yes.

If our mission is to “Make Passionate Disciples” , that is not just bringing people to faith for the first time. It is helping believers grow deeper in faith, increasing passion for our Lord and growing in our abilities and willingness to share. The subtext of our mission is threefold:

Rooted and grounded in God’s Word

Led by the Holy Spirit

Giving it away

For many the “No” will be based on fear of failure.

And that is where Southgate’s message of Resilience and Belief comes in. Providing the encouragement to try, to fail and to grow. Providing mentors who bear some scars, have grown and can encourage and walk with those willing to have a go and to learn.

I sense that there are two areas in which the Lord wants us to grow and learn:
Answering the question – “Who is this Jesus?”; and

  • Prayers for healing and wholeness
  • Proclamation and signs and wonders.

My invitation is to two groups of people:

Group A: those who feel led to these areas and are able to pray and/or share the Gospel (Mentors)

Group B: those willing to step out, press in, try, fail and learn and grow in belief and resilience (Mentees)

Whichever of these groups you are in, let me know.

John the Baptist had a very specific role.

1 The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah,[a] the Son of God,[b] as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:
“I will send my messenger ahead of you,
    who will prepare your way”[
“a voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
    make straight paths for him.’”[
And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River. (Mark 1:1-5)

They came to him in droves, asking their questions. He told them to repent and that the Messiah was coming. He prepared the way for what God was going to do through his Son.

I believe that God is calling us to be prepared to prepare the way for what God is going to do by his Holy Spirit. As people come to us seeking answers. We need to point them to the one who saves – Yeshua, the Son.

It’s already started.

Are you willing?

Every blessing


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