Christ Church Primary School is opposite the church and we are proud to support them in their vision, Together, inspiring excellence and their mission of Nurturing lifelong learners with God’s guidance. The school has a strong Christian ethos that is born out by the school values of
Love, Courage, Honesty,
Faith, Forgiveness
We partner with the school in a number of ways including:
Weekly Collective Worship
(including online during lockdown)
Support for staff
including both cakes and communion (but not at the same time!) as well as a listening ear if needed
Support for the Leadership team
especially in prayer
Supporting RE and Christian ethos of the school
Appointing Foundation Governors to the school Board
Regular services in church
including year 6 leavers who are sent out with a bible and ongoing prayer support from Christ Church
Christ Church Christian Club (C4) at lunchtimes
Pot of Gold and 'Peaced together for children’ to be launched in 2021 is a course for children who have suffered loss and to support wellbeing
Extravaganzas at the end of term
Holiday Club
in the summer to which Christ Church Primary children are invited as well as others.
CSI Easter and Christmas Unwrapped
to help schools bring RE and the Easter and Christmas stories alive
Leading a weekly prayer meeting
in school for school.
Both Church and school are very keen to continue to strengthen these links and build on this partnership.
To find out more about Christ Church School please click on the picture below:

Contact Details
Christ Church C of E Primary School
Montpelier Road
Purley, Surrey
Tel No: 0208 660 7500
Fax No : 0208 645 0349
email: office1@christchurch.croydon.sch.uk
Website: http://www.christchurch.croydon.sch.uk
Head Teacher: Mrs Jo Richardson