Welcome to Christ Church Online
Sunday 20th September 2020
A warm welcome to our services this morning! 


A warm welcome to our services this morning! 
Our services are pre-recorded and go live at 8am.

Most people watch the traditional service early on Sunday morning
and the Contemporary congregation joins mid-morning, but you can join the worship at any time! 

Welcome to any visitors who are joining us today.





There are four streams to this service.
Click on an image to start your chosen service.  

May the Lord bless you, his face shine upon you.
God is for you!

If you would like someone to pray with you, to share what God has being doing 
or just to make contact please:
e-mail             vicar@christchurchpurley.org.uk or
message     Christ Church Purley Vicar on Facebook Messenger or
Text                  07704 328538

Sermon     Today's traditional and contemporary sermon is by Lisa our curate who was ordained on Saturday 19th September at Southwark Cathedral

Screenshot 2020-09-13 at 07.43

Screenshot 2020-09-13 at 06.59