PCC AND APCM The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will be on 11 May 2025. If you think that God may be calling you to serve on PCC then please contact me for a chat about what is involved. Vicar@christchurchpurley.org.uk PLEASE NOTE THAT TO SERVE ON PCC OR DEANERY YOU MUST: - BE 16 OR OVER - BE AN ACTUAL COMMUNICANT - BE ON THE ELECTORAL ROLL - NOT BE DISQUALIFIED FROM BEING A CHARITY TRUSTEE HOW TO FIND THE NOMINATION, PROPOSAL AND SECONDING FORMS FOR CHURCHWARDEN AND PCC. All the forms for the APCM can be found on the events calendar on MyChurchSuite in the ChurchSuite events or via the website. On the nomination form you will need to include your name and the names of the Proposer and Seconder. Click images below for the relevant forms:- This year there will be elections for: 2 church wardens If you are not sure about any of the above then please do contact Doug to find out more.